Friday, November 13, 2009

Because I'm not used to having readers.

Before I started writing this blog, like, ten minutes ago, I was reading other people's blogs. My reader has a long list of regularly-visited blogs on it, but I realized a while ago that the one I've visited most regularly has been That Wife. There's a simple reason for this: she just finished posting every single day for the last year. And she's a very interesting writer.

This week, Jenna (that's That Wife's name) has been having a celebration week of giveaways to commemorate her 10,000th comment. Part of qualifying for the giveaways is having commented in the past. I wasn't sure if I'd commented enough to qualify for the big giveaway at the end of the week... but she informed me that actually, I've commented more than almost anyone else.

Uh, wow.

I'm still not sure if this makes me a scary blog-stalker or or just a fan. I do think that it shows I should have started writing over here sooner, rather than leaving tomes on someone else's blog. But as long as she doesn't think I'm creepy (and I hope she doesn't), I suppose this status of frequent-commenter might work out for me - especially because she actually offers perks to the perennially opinionated over there (hey, I did not know that before, like, a week ago. I just write too many comments - it's not mercenary, it's compulsive.)

One of these perks is that Jenna is telling her readers to check out the blogs of those who regularly comment. Which includes my blog. Which is an infant.

I am accustomed to thinking of this blog as a project with 1.5 readers, both of whom I know well in real life. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens when more people check it out.

If you're here from ThatWife, please leave a little comment to say hello. And if you wouldn't mind, let me know what you think of this space. I'm still working out how to write a normal-length post, for instance, and am pondering incorporating more graphics, though as you can see, text-heavy is sort of my style. Also: how's the color? This background seems to look different on every computer. Does it stab at your eyes? I wouldn't want to do that to you.

In short: welcome! I hope you enjoy it over here.


  1. I'm a blog stalker too!! :) I love reading what other people are doing, and have going on. It's a great way to get ideas, and sometimes, even topics to blog about! :)

    Good luck with your baby (blog)!! I will check back often! :)


  2. Hi Schmei! I'm a fellow TW uber-commenter, and am just stopping by to say "hi". Like you, I'm still trying to find my blog voice, even though I've been blogging for over 5 years now. WOW! I agree with you regarding graphics in posts. This is something I don't often do myself. But I'm trying to rectify. I'll be adding you to my reader, if you don't mind. Always excited to find new and interesting people to follow. Happy Monday to you!

  3. Hello! I too have spent this past year being more of a blog commenter than a blog writer! In less than a year I commented 93 times on ThatWife. Many of my comments are way too long - I could work on my commenting skills :) Just last week I started my very first blog. So far, I'm really enjoying blogging, but like you, I'm still developing my voice, finding the right length, trying to figure out if what I write is interesting to anyone else, and of course - does it look pretty?!?! I think it would be really great if, similar to Jenna's Fledgling Photographers, we had a Fledgling bloggers. A group of people that agreed to post at least x number of times per week (5?) and went to each others blogs to offer constructive comments on blog design, content, etc. I think it would be really helpful for us bloggers just starting out. Let me know if it is something you'd be interested in - maybe I'll try to get that started. I haven't told anyone other than my husband about my blog. It has been nice writing for an anonymous audience at first. And regarding your q's - yes, like me your posts are long (I've been writing 1 post and then dividing it into two), the color looks great - very easy on the eyes, and I love (and miss!) Chicago - so I look forward to reading more about your life in one of the greatest cities!!
    ~ Erin (I'm still trying to figure out how to make it say my name in the comments instead of the blog?!)

  4. I'm totally a blog stalker too! I'm probably more of a lurker though because I hardly ever comment. :)

    Good luck with your (baby) blog! I think the hardest thing about writing a blog is dedication (this is the reason why I don't blog), so November is the perfect incentive month to get really started right!

    P.S. I love the color. It's very easy on my eyes.

  5. Hi there! I too am a total stalker of TW. I love her blog and it's one of the 1st things I check everyday. How neat to get your blog mentioned!! That is really neat and exciting. I hope you enjoy all your new freinds.
    I say that I like the color. Like the commenter before me: It's easy on the eyes :-)

  6. Oh, I am so glad to see that I am in good blog-stalking company (although I'm much more of a lurker than I ought to be).

    I'm also on the color loving bandwagon - your blog has a simple set up, but it's warm and inviting. I'll have to stalk by more frequently. :)

  7. Oooh! You're all SO NICE! Thanks for stopping by... more posts soon (including the end of my latest epic), I promise!

  8. Hi Schmei - I've seen you comment on That Wife - I also really enjoy Jenna's writing. It was a shock to me that I was at 87?!? comments.

    I was definitely inspired by Jenna and her openness to start up my own blog. I'm always surprised when people comment, and blown away that I have 32 followers :)

    Congrats on your amazing status with Jenna. I look forward to reading more here by you :)

  9. Hi there
    I too am a novice blogger/ expert lurker. I've just recently started blogging, after I decided that maybe I'll enjoy the blogging experience too. Any idea whats so special about November that makes everyone want to write heaps then?


  10. Grace - I can't help but wonder if we're all just finding indoor projects for the winter. But of course I'm living in northern climes. Perhaps it's anticipation of new year's resolutions to come...?

  11. I think one of the scariest things in the world to say is "Hi, I don't know you and you don't know me but I am reading what you write on the internet and I hope that isn't weird". I actually read your camping post first but decided to comment on this one. I think you are brave to even go camping. ( I am a chicken)

    I think the background is great, it makes me think of summer.


Be nice, now.