Thursday, January 20, 2011

Small Neighbors

Recently observed on my walk to work:

Sometimes I get off the train a stop earlier and walk the mile or so to my office, which is a nice way to kick off a day of mostly sedentary work.

There is a line of parks along much of the southern portion of Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. In one of these parks, a slim middle-aged lady was bundled against the cold in a pricey looking coat - she looked like she probably lived in one of the nearby high rise condominium buildings. She had her left glove off. In the crook of her right arm was the handle of a red plastic bucket. She was reaching in to the bucket with her gloveless hand, pulling out what looked like chestnuts, and placing them at about shoulder-height in the trees lining the paved walkway. A small group of squirrels were pacing in the snow nearby, watching her do this.

As I kept walking, I passed a cluster of sparrows hopping around a pile of birdseed that had just been left on the stone banister.

Tonight's temperature is expected to plunge below zero, so I'm sure our smaller neighbors can use the extra calories.

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