Saturday, November 21, 2009

Plenty of writing... just not here

I'm wondering if I really will manage this 15 posts in one month thing... it's getting down to the wire.

Also, I have some slightly more pressing writing to do this weekend: namely, a final paper which is due on Tuesday, and which will potentially serve as the foundation for my thesis proposal literature review.

So, friends, it's going to be a quiet weekend on the Yo-hah! front, unless I pop in to tell you about interesting research - and I sincerely hope I don't do that to you.

(Hm... my blog has an exclamation point, just like "Jeopardy!"... which reminds me of a story... But I'll save that for later.)

Happy weekend-before-Thanksgiving!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've fallen a bit behind on my blog too - I'd like to try to blog every day of 2010. December should be a good practice run. :)


Be nice, now.